Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Canada Reads: Prologue

The books for CBC's Canada Reads contest have been announced. The debate/contest doesn't actually start until March, though, so you have a good three months to read up if you want to be a knowledgeable debater when the time comes.

The nominees (and their defenders) are:

Generation X by Douglas Coupland - defended by musician Cadence Weapon (non-stage name Roland Pemberton)
Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald - defended by hurdler Perdita Felicien
The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy - defended by War Child founder Dr. Samantha Nutt
Good to a Fault by Marina Endicott - defended by media personality Simi Sara
Nikolski by Nicholas Dickner (translated to English by Lazar Lenderhendler) - defended by belletrist Michel Vézina

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